A newborn was not directly have teeth, it is because the food that will be consumed the baby has yet to be any solid food, milk, and just maybe a little slurry and liquid food or half the liquid. But the seeds of teeth already exists, since babies are still in the womb. Mandible teeth will grow when it's about time the child requires food intake a bit dense, but even so the baby has shown many teeth are in the process of seed development in different levels.
Generally in accordance with existing theory, milk teeth will start growing at the age of 6 months and ended at the age of 2 years. Milk teeth or teeth sulu amounted to 20 pieces, 10 in the upper jaw and lower jaw. Consisting of upper incisors, 8 (4) bottom (4) upper canines, 4 (2) bottom (2), 8 upper molars (4) bottom (4). Can be seen in the table below, in accordance with which the author quotes from the book "the anatomy of teeth" written by drg. NY. Itjingningsih W.H.
a. incisors = ppt (1)
b. canines = caninus (c)
c. = molar molar (m)
Insisivus 1
Insisivus 2
Molar 1
Molar 2
The upper jaw
7,5 Months
9 Months
18 Months
14 Months
24 Months
Lower jaw
7 Months
16 Months
12 Months
So appropriate tables, the order of growth of teeth in children: eldest
1. Teeth are i1 bottom
2. Dental i2 below
3. Gears i1 top
4. Teeth i2 top
5. Gigi m1 down
6. Tooth m2 over
7. Dental c below
8. Teeth c top
9. the lower Teeth m2
10. Dental m2 over
The above is the growth of teeth according to the theory. Do not close the possibility there is a growing milk teeth do not fit with the time of such theories. But if it happens, it's not so much – much of the time as above. Maybe faster or a little slower only.
The eldest is more likely dental caries (the hole that occurred in teeth). Because the structure and morphology of the teeth first permanent teeth is different from the form, including anatomically and also composition. In addition to that habit of children drinking milk and sweet foods which can accelerate the occurrence of caries.
So thus the mandible tooth milk or eldest son handy and influence on health of the individual, the development of jaw, dentition, permanent physical and mental development of children. Because early dental loss of milk, can lead to the development of a normal jaw cannot occur and the first permanent molars (Molars 1 permanent) could not be grown in the proper position as the key to proper occlusion. Occlusion is the relationship of the mandible teeth in contact between the upper jaw mandible with teeth on the lower jaw in closed mouth time. Improper occlusion can eventually cause abnormalities like, tooth forward or tonggos, dental crowding, etc. Therefore, the presence of milk teeth is very important for the development of the oral cavity.
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