Human teeth are created are white. But not all human teeth look very white, depending on the color of email from teeth. The actual color of the little yellow on the teeth is reasonable, because it is the color of email average human a little yellow. The color of the teeth can be changed because of the intrinsic factor or extrinsic. Discoloration of the teeth because of the intrinsic factor is caused by the occurrence of abnormalities in tooth substance or because the teeth are already in a State of death (nekrose), thus leading to black color faintly on the teeth and not easy to restore the color of teeth it anew again. Tooth discoloration due to extrinsic factors can be caused by foods and drinks that can stick to the surface of the teeth in the form of a colored stain.
At this time, the article will be discussed about the extrinsic factors that causes discolored teeth become yellowish or brownish caused by drink often consumed by humans.
Beverages can cause the teeth become yellow
1. Coffee
Coffee is a beverage that lately more and more popular and more and more fans, ranging from young children to adults. Coffee became the trend because the storage time and way of serving an increasingly diverse. However it can not be denied, coffee is one of the causes of the discoloration of the teeth. Coffee is acidic and contain tannin or acid tanat. The nature of the acid in coffee will cause the pores so porous tooth substance tannins will stick to the surface of the teeth so that raises a stain on teeth that look kecoklat-coklatan.
2. Tea
This drink is not less popular with coffee. Because it is a drink that is consumed almost every finished eating. The content is not much different with tea coffee making facilities. Tea also has acid tanat which can cause stains on teeth. It is said that green tea, herbal tea, and white tea (white tea) are not as aggressive as black tea in the staining of the teeth. The more aggressive black tea cause stain on teeth compared with coffee.
3. Soft drinks
Soft drink is a drink that a lot of fans, from children to the elderly, like the soft drinks. Soft drinks sold in the market have been examined as one of the causes of the discoloration of the teeth and cause cavities. Acid and byproduct of sugar acids can cause problems for the surface and coating the teeth, so that potentially cause cavities. One of the potentially high soft drinks cause tooth discoloration and fizzy drinks are hollow. Fizzy drinks had levels of acidity 2.52. Despite the low carbonated drinks, but has a very high phosphate levels which can lead to a decrease in the levels of calcium on teeth, so the gear can be damaged.
Discoloration and dental caries/cavities will not happen when we consume it regularly and not excessive, and the most important condition of oral hygiene is always awake. Stains on the teeth that is caused by extrinsic factors are easily removed by brushing teeth, gargling way, and the scaling. But if the stains have been stuck for too long, it will be increasingly difficult to be eliminated.
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