Permanent human teeth will grow when the second jaw is enough to give a place for him. The sign can be seen from the surface of the gums of children would look vaguely as white as milk teeth started to shake. Don't let the milk teeth are still there, when the permanent teeth already grow almost perfect, because it can cause permanent teeth the wrong position. But do not also revoke tooth milk, when the permanent teeth are not yet showing signs of going to grow, it can result in permanent loss of teeth growing direction. Because milk teeth also become a way for the permanent teeth will grow. Permanent teeth numbering 32 pieces. In the upper jaw 16, so also in the lower jaw. Consisting of 8 ppt; 4 in the upper jaw and lower jaw, 4 4 teeth caninus; 2 in the upper jaw and lower jaw 2, 8 premolars teeth; 4 in the upper jaw and lower jaw, and molar teeth 12; 6 in the upper jaw and lower jaw. The following time table dentition as the author of the quotation from the book "the anatomy of teeth" written by drg. NY. Itjingningsih W.H.
Insisivus 1
Insisivus 2
Premolar 1
Premolar 2
Molar 1
Molar 2
Molar 3
The upper jaw
7-8 Years
8-9 Years
11-12 Years
10-11 Years
10-12 Years
6-7 Years
12-13 Years
17-21 Years
Lower Jaw
6-7 Years
7-8 Years
9-10 Years
10-12 Years
11-12 Years
6-7 Years
11-13 Years
So the order of permanent dentition is:
1. M1 Teeth up and down, and teeth under I1
2. Teeth tooth top and I1 I2 below
3. Gear up I2
4. Teeth C below
5. Tooth top P1
6. Tooth p1 P2 bottom and top
7. The teeth of the upper and lower C P2
8. Teeth M2 under
9. Dental M2 over
10. the upper and lower Teeth M3
The above table is the table according to the existing theory. Do not cover the possibility of permanent teeth when grown outside of time as above, but usually revolves around the time theory.
1 molar teeth or molar tooth 1 is first grown in 6 years. By a parent usually thought these teeth can re-experience the turn, so that parents are not so pay attention to the gigi at his son. When in fact it is the permanent teeth already and should be kept, because a very important role. Beruntunglah when the molar 1 is not damaged and holes, when it is broken and there is at the root of severe infection/abscess, tooth then it must be sacrificed, the next sehinggan no longer has a molar. Molar teeth three or the teeth of the youngest, most recently will grow, and this is a tooth that will be most felt its growth. Usually people that are experiencing growth, the teeth may experience pain that fair, so it takes a little pain relief medication. But all of that is a normal thing.
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