The hole that happened to dental caries is the kedoterannya language. It happens because the acid substance formed from a mixture of leftover food, saliva, and bacteria. The teeth are exposed to the acidic substance that gradually will be eroded and became hollow, because the nature of teeth that cannot stand with acid. That's roughly the occurrence of holes in teeth. Have you already have cavities? And how the pain you experienced? From knowing the pain that we experience, it turns out that we've been able to figure out how deep a hole on our teeth. Gigi has 3 layers, which consists of email, dentin, pulpa and space, and each layer will cause different pains when exposed directly by the stimulus. The pain will arise when the depth of the holes start about second and third layer of teeth, namely dentin and pulpa.
2 kinds of pain that arises when the cavities :
1. In Bone
Dull pain is pain that occurs after a given rangasangan hot or cold. For example when you drink ice, suddenly the tooth feels sore but moments later disappear, that is what is meant in bone. At the level of the pain in the form of arthritis, meaning your teeth hole has reached dentin and has eroded out of stock email. Dentin exposed directly by cold or hot, even water alone will menibulkan taste in bone. On the hole as deep as this, head to your dentist to patch your teeth. Because patching the hole in the tooth deep dentin, can be directly patched permanently once the visit only. So also the hole on the gear are not the more deep and cause problems later.
2. Pain
Pain is pain that occurs due to damage to the network. For example, the teeth will feel pain when used to eat and will typically arise at the time of going to sleep that night and when fatigue. This tooth holes already regarding the space there is inside pulpa nerves of the teeth. The pain will arise when fatigue and going to sleep at night, why? Nerves have properties such as electrical wires on the road that we often come across. When heat will expand, and when cold will shrink. Well, so did the nerves of teeth, at a time when the nervous night will shrink, so the blood pressure inside the nerves will be more felt giving rise to pain. At this stage of tooth hole depth, mandatory and should go to the dentist to patched. But at this stage, could not do permanent patching all visits.
Because there will be a stage of root canal treatment several times and then do the permanent patching. Root canal treatment done to clean up the advanced neural network and die space pulpa. When not patched immediately, very big risk of teeth will be broken and leave the rest of the roots will certainly pose a major problem next.
Read also: Action on Cavities
That's a bit gambarang about the relationship of pain and into the hole in the tooth. By that way we can find out by yourself how deep a hole on our teeth and what we should do to cope with the problems that will arise. Make haste to clamp your teeth when a hole is still about dentin, because more save cost, time, and not to damage the nerve tissue in your teeth.
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