For the removal of teeth is a last resort that will be taken by a health workers towards a State of teeth already treated and its existence can not interfere with health. Actions for the removal of the teeth will leave wounds on the gums, which causes blood to flow out. This means unplugging the tooth associated with systemic body.
Before the teeth there are things that must be avoided by the person concerned. Sure there are risks when things are in fact avoided mandatory is not applied properly. It's not just the task of the dentist making sure State of his patient, but we should know the State of the body and our health before the tooth.
Some of their health should be wary before the tooth:
1. The existence of a blood disorder
Blood abnormalities are not recommended for invalidation of the teeth such as:
a. Hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries increases. "In patients with uncontrolled hypertension, actions for the removal of the teeth at risk raises bleeding associated with the use of a drug containing a vasoconstrictor (penyempit vein), thereby increasing blood pressure and cause rupture of small blood vessels and bleeding occurs," says dr. Jesicca Florencia in the discussion forum. We recommend that you first check with your blood pressure to a specialist in, to get the blood pressure-lowering drugs, that revocation can be made.
b. Hemophilia
Hemophilia is abnormalities in blood clotting. Bleeding that occurs due to the wounds of the revocation will be hard to stop. Hemophilia is a rare hereditary disease. If you have hemophilia, checking first to see a specialist in, before doing the lifting gear.
2. Have heart disease
In the oral cavity, there is a wide variety of bacteria that could potentially cause disease. For the removal of teeth associated with bleeding and nerve is directly connected with the heart. After repeal would cause sores on the gums that makes the entrance for bacteria in the mouth and infecting the heart. When a patient with a history of heart are not advised to immediately repeal the teeth because it can be bad for patients. But if the State of the patient is stable and good oral hygiene, then it can be done for the removal of teeth with understand their impact.
3. Diabetes Mellitus
In sufferers of diabetes mellitus (DM) in blood contain blood plasma consisting of water and the presence of an excess of sugar content. So the water in the blood plasma will be absorbed by sugar that results in thickening of the blood and slow the flow of blood. Slow blood flow results in the body's ability to combat infection are being decreased, so that bacteria will be easy to enter and infect the body. A high glucose content also leads to his difficult blood clotting.
4. Pregnant
Pregnant mothers is not recommended dental health reasons unplug the fetus. Both the factor of the used anaesthetic drugs and bacteria that can enter through wounds can affect the health of the fetus.
Some of the above circumstances are contraindications for actions for the removal of teeth. Because it avoids the risks more dangerous to human life. When you people with one of the above circumstances, rajinlah checking the health condition in the doctor who potentially in its field.
NB: oral hygiene is necessary in the Act for the removal of the teeth, to reduce the risk of harmful bacteria get into the wound.
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