It currently has many different types and brands of chick toothpaste with obstetrician and his trademark respectively. A wide variety of ways of supply and promotion carried out by the manufacturer in order to make its products attractive to the public. Be it promised to prevent cavities, protect teeth from bacterial attacks, or it can whiten your teeth with instant. Of course with that way instead of making consumers i.e. we become confused. Confused determine dental needs us. At this time the article, I will give tips on getting smarter so that we determine the toothpaste that is really needed for the teeth. And in addition I will be slightly discusses how the right in pemaikaiannya.
Toothpaste is good for the health of our teeth are:
1. Contains flouride
Flouride is in toothpaste content which functions in assisting the process of remineralisasi email. That is, the email experience a decrease in density or reduction of lapisannya, will be assisted by his restoration process the substance of this flouride. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, brushing my teeth with toothpaste fluoride conditioned twice a day can reduce tooth decay by up to 40 percent.
2. Little contain detergents
Is said to be like that. Because detergents in toothpastes function only produce foam. Later it was reported that the toothpastes contain detergents which are too much can cause thrush.
3. Contain anti-bacterial
Anti bacterial content which is usually found in toothpaste is triclosan. FDA spokeswoman, Andrea Fischer, said the toothpaste containing triclosan has been "proven" effectively reduce plaque and gingivitis. A study also shows that toothpaste with triclosan are more effective at reducing plaque and gingivitis than have no triclosan, quoted from healthliputan6com.
4. Teeth Whitening not too important
The actual content in question is not to whiten teeth. However the function is actually for menhilangkan stains that occur on the teeth. "Toothpaste with whitening contain ' pengampelas ' to help remove stains on the surface of the tooth," says Clifford Whall, PhD, Director of the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance Program. Quoted from femalekompascom.
After knowing the content of toothpaste. It is now important to know for its use. Toothpaste and toothbrush smeared on just enough of a seed corn or peanut seeds only. Keep the content in toothpaste for teeth enough and can work effectively. Because when excess, even making an issue of the teeth. Do not tirukan the usual commercials shown on the toothpaste, which uses toothpaste to cover all the surface of the feather brush.
Not less important, not toothpaste children and adults. What I write above is a good content of toothpaste tooth up. Because of the toothpaste used for children and adults differently. The difference is in the content of fluoride. Toothpaste is safe for children contain fluoride as much as 250-500 ppm, with entry lest ingested by children. Whereas the maximum fluoride contents for adults is 1000 ppm.
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