The mouth is the organ which is always active and contaminated by various kinds of food. Cannot be avoided when after eating mouth will produce a less savory aroma. To overcome it, can be done by brushing your teeth or gargle with mouthwash. Mouthwash can be used because it contains ingredients that can prevent fresheners bad breath. It's been getting a lot of mouthwash that is circulating in the market with the advantages of each.
But taukah you how the selection and proper use of mouthwash, which is certainly influential good for mouth? As I can quote at detikhealt, a professor named drg. Heriandi Sutadi SpKGA (K), PhD says "use mouthwash should be careful because there are some that contain high alcohol". The nature of the alcohol is irritating, as in a mouthwash when used gives rise to sensation munusuk-nusuk and tend to be hard felt in the mouth, it means a mouthwash that contains alcohol and unsafe for the mouth. "We recommend that you choose a mouthwash with natural ingredients to minimize side effects brought about" connect the drg. Heriandi. We recommend that you select a mouthwash without alcohol content or with very little alcohol content. For its use is very not recommended often or every day. "Do not use mouthwash each day! The use mouthwash each day can cause the tongue on fire, immune, to the numb ", the message of drg. Heriandi. In addition to the side effects that occur in the tongue, can also make the tooth dry so grow mold and create an uncomfortable taste in the mouth.
The purpose of the use of mouthwash is actually to kill germs harmful to mouth, but when it is used every day, good germs will join him. The use of mouthwash should at the time of the condition of the mouth are not healthy, but not many times, just once. After using mouthwash don't immediately rinsed with water, but wait a moment, so that the necessary substances do not dissolve immediately, then rinse with clean water.
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