Dental hygiene is the very thing that required each person to take care of and keep the teeth stay healthy and clean. Keep clean the teeth much way, and one of them is to brush your teeth. The rest of the food sticking and tucked in between the teeth will be very easy to clean with a toothbrush. But in order for the cleanliness of teeth can be achieved perfect, always consider the toothbrush that you wear. Because a study revealed that, a toothbrush is also a factor that can make people sick. At this time the article I will give you a review about how to care for a good toothbrush so it is safe to use.
Maybe when you use a toothbrush, you never realize when the brush bristles clean the leftovers, that moment also bristle brush is contaminated with bacteria that exist in the rest of the food Microbe and bacteria found in the mouth. Bacteria that are stuck in the bristles brush can survive up to weeks duration. Especially when soapy toothbrush just rinsed to remove any leftover foam just toothpaste.
Brush your teeth after used rightfully purged, so that bacteria and food scraps does not remain stuck to the surface of the toothbrush. How to correctly clean your toothbrush is, with the rinsed and clean the entire surface water flow using a toothbrush. When you need to soak your toothbrush in anti bacterial mouthwash a few moments, and then saved. No matter the holding should not be done in vain. Do not store a wet toothbrush in a closet or in a cup with the positions reversed. Keep the toothbrush in the open shelves or on the Cup with an upright position and is above the brush bristles. Give the brush bristles on the cover, with the closing of the existing hole so that the air can still sign in. Due to lack of air, can cause a toothbrush remain moist and makes the place of bersarangnya bacteria.
Next, change your toothbrush regularly, at least 3 months or when the bristles of the brush has already started blooming and damaged. Because the brush bristles are already blooming and damaged can no longer clean the teeth perfectly. What's more, if you have a disease, and after recovering immediately replace your toothbrush. Because a toothbrush that is used when you are sick a chance to save the bacterial disease.
Lastly, do occasionally use the toothbrush alternately from one person to another, although it is still in the family. Because we didn't know what bacteria are present in the mouth of someone who can make sure we are contracting. Sharing of toothbrushes meant the transfer of saliva, bacteria, until the disease on someone. Pay attention to your health always start from the smallest things, like toothbrushes. Remember and keep your toothbrush hygiene always and always replace the toothbrush periodically.
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