Thrush is one of the wounds in the mucosa of the lips are often encountered. Thrush can occur in the gums, around the tongue and the mucosa of the lips. The presence of canker sores very disturbing mouth activity, both when talking, eating, and anything else that can make contact with canker sores. Thrush usually arises because there are trigger factors such as food allergies, bacteria, stress hormonal disorders, etc. There are healing without being treated but it takes time, there are treated both using chemical and natural medicine. In this article I will share the natural prescription treat canker sores.
The natural treatment of canker sores is by using honey
Honey is currently very easy to find both in stores and other vendors. According to research, honey has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It makes honey an ideal medicine for wound healing. Even honey is said to heal wounds two times faster than regular drug use. Benefits of honey as a natural medicine wound healers that can stimulate tissue regeneration is lost due to injuries that occur. Because the honey contained nutrients consisting of amino acids, minerals, vitamins B & C, calcium, iron, sodium and glucose. "Honey has a strong antibacterial content. Can be used to cure burns, blistering skin to sprue, "said Peter Molan, Research Unit Honey from the University of Waikato, New Zealand, which I quote from okezonecom.
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Same with wounds. Thrush arising in the form of injuries can be overcome with honey that can speed healing. How to use it is not difficult. Just by applying to all surfaces of the sprue with honey to taste. Wait a few moments for the honey to soak into the sprue and react well. Can also be used on dry lips or chapped lips in the same way of treatment with canker sores.
To be known in the healing period of canker without using the drug takes approximately 7-14 days. So if you want your canker sores to heal immediately, use honey. Natural honey with good quality.
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