Thursday, 1 June 2017

Prevent Teeth from falling apart early on

Prevent Teeth from falling apart early on
         Have a child with a beautiful and handsome countenance is indeed the dream of every parent. An ideal appearance can be fulfilled with some aspects that exist on one's self, one seen from the tidy arrangement of teeth. In indonesia, encountered people who have teeth tonggos and irregular. Of course with such they look amateurish appearance. When our current as a parent or as a prospective parent, at this time the article will discuss how to prevent the teeth from falling apart from early on.

Before knowing how it's good to know the cause of the first tooth that falls apart. You can click > > here < <.

      The growth of teeth in humans has 3 phases, namely milk teeth phase/phase of firstfruits, the teeth are mixed (dairy & permanent), and this phase of permanent teeth. Well so that teeth don't grow mess can we prevent starting from phase to phase two of the teeth are mixed. That is to say like this, dental phase mix is where the milk teeth started having dental phase permanent switchover. Permanent teeth only grow once in a human lifetime. To know the time of tooth growth can be read here > > dentition < < > > permanent dentition < <.

          It is important to keep an eye on the growth of permanent teeth. Here's how how? Need to know the time of growth and signs of its growth. Milk teeth in addition to functioning help digest foods that are refined, serve also as guidenya or bearings of permanent teeth the growth. The milk teeth have already experienced permanent teeth signifies loosening of ready milk teeth grow and immediately uninstalled.

How messy teeth prevention of early

1. Do not let the milk teeth date prematurely. Permanent tooth growing prematurely and shows signs of going to grow teeth don't get milk dates. Because milk teeth is the way for the permanent teeth to grow in the right position. When no permanent tooth, milk teeth will lose the right direction and can only grow in the wrong position and then cause tooth jostling and messy.

2. Do not let the milk teeth preclude permanent dentition. Artinnya put it this way, when the permanent teeth it's time to grow and cause signs of loosening of the teeth in the form of milk, make haste to do revocation on the milk teeth. Due to the permanent teeth already found his position and ready to appear on the surface. But if still obstructed milk teeth, then its growth could be in the back of a milk tooth or teeth in front of the milk.

3. avoid milk teeth cause cavities. In children it usually occurs the damage to the teeth and molars. Milk tooth decay can only meyebabkan the tooth should be eliminated as they cause disease. So that will happen as in no. 1. Candy and food or drink milk sweets and acidic can cause cavities.

4. Stop the bad habit. When small children love to menggigit-gigit something and suck your thumb, it is in a phase of permanent teeth teeth mingled in which has already started to grow, stop that habit. Because the cause of teeth change its position due to the pressure from foreign objects.

5. Checking the State of the child's teeth, or no abnormalities to the dentist at least 6 months. The goal is to prevent when there are things that can interfere with the health of teeth.

Read also:

Prevent teeth berntakan early on from the age of the children is better done as it does not require further action. When at the age of new adult conscious and want to improve the arrangement of teeth, the actions that can be done is the mounting braces or other treatments. So it takes more time and costs.

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